Also, here is my yellow food bowl (yesterday was a Photo Hunt: Yellow).

As far as wet food, I like Fancy Feast Salmon Feast, and FF Chicken Feast. The lady is always trying to slip me something new, like some organic food, or things like "stew". Yech. I am a creature of routine and I don't like changes in my wet food. Now, Elvis will eat almost any type of wet food and he seems to like trying new stuff. Today he had something called, "Spot's Stew", and he really liked it. I'm not so sure that his intestinal tract likes sudden changes. He did a major stinky poop.
The lady keeps his litter box in the room she calls her office. It is a really big "Booda" and has a charcoal filter. Well, I guess that didn't help much, because she had to resort to another Buddha:

Elvis was banished to another room to do his loud butt-licking.

P.S. Thanks to all our friends for their suggestions and comments about our internet problems. We do have an excellent virus program that scans for spyware, grayware, malware, etc., and we're going to start running a check every day. We also uninstalled a 'web accelerator' that was acting kinda loopy. So, hopefully, things are on the right track!
Ehem, is it just us or has that Buddha incenserator something phallic about it? Oh my, Spring is acting up on us! Hahahaha!
@Cat with a garden--
Well, I've been neutered, so none of that rings a bell. But, the lady said that she might have inadvertently made it look that way by not using the Buddha belly to hold the incense, but putting a little round brass tray on his
tummy to hold the incense so that it would get more oxygen and burn better. That's her story and she's sticking to it.
I know how Elvis feels. Every time I go to the litter Jen and Frank say things like "My God Tuck, did you just drop another bomb?" and then they accuse me of smelling worse than a human. As if that's possible. One trick that I like to perform is to go into the litter, dig around a little and then stick my paws in their food. It works especially well with peanut butter. They do get mad about it though...
Maybe it's just me, but that Buddah is kinda intimidating to poop in front of.
We agree with both of you, that's our favorite shape of cat-food too. It's also perfect for me to carry around the house and leave for the humans, like in the bathtub.
Abby Normal
Interesting Buddha picture! Ha! Ha1 accidental phallic? My mom drew a picture the other day.... after several days she looked back at it and decided it had a phallic symbol in it..... something wrong with all the humans??
That was a highly informative post, with lots of good, meaty (ha!) stuff about you guys. Although.. we could have done without the details about Elvis' "output!"
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
We have a lot of food competition around here, so we'll eat any kind, any shape, of kitty crunchies (you can send us anything you don't want.) Mom had to discontinue wet food because Tasha ate all of it - and she needs less calories, not more. And we hope your computer is behaving itself!
P.S. Thanks for sponsoring Conway! We are big fans of Best Friends.
We each have our own litterbox! They're kept in our nice basement, so the Beans can't tell when we have especially stinky poops:)
Great food discussion. Now I am hungry.
Shade is rather loud with the rear end lickage also. I am going to talk to the PM about banishment too.
Purrs Goldie
We wanna stick our faces into that yellow bowl of yours and chow down!!
Has your mum ever driven down the road with your bed still on the car???
I was just reading your last post about the internet problems and I have two suggestions. Install AdAware and run that frequently, and use Firefox instead of internet explorer. It's faster and more reliable.
I know plenty of other cats have had problems with the comments thing too, so it's not just you.
Huffle Mawson
@Tracy and Huffle--
Thanks for your suggestions. We do use Mozilla Firefox as our browser (and Mozilla Thunderbird for email).
We are now using the spyware scan (daily) that is part of Trend Micro PC-cillin, the virus program that the organization that owns this laptop installed. We sure appreciate all the concern and suggestions of our blogging friends.
With Elvis's poo problems,you are probably happy to snooze in the garage ;) heeheehee We are also happy you got your fave food back!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
PeeEss: We also have dial-up.We find things get slow later in the evening. We live on the East coast. We also notice our computer slowing every time Windows updates!! The updates are huge and Windows is a hog!!!
With dial-up,it even takes a while to download the updates!!!
We also have Elements 6 and an old PaintShop Pro(6) so we do not think they are the problem. In our case, our computer is a few years old :o
We need to check for the AdDynamix. Ya never know ;)
Hey Mr. Black, just topped in to say hello and check out your posts! Really cute!!
The Kitty City Gazette
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