Way back at the end of January, a few days before the lady planned to move into the new place, she wanted to take me to the vet's office to board for a couple of days. She put the carrier in the living room for a few weeks prior so that I would get used to it. One day, she put an open can of Fancy Feast in the carrier. I was curious, but initially walked away. Then, because I trust the lady, I went in the carrier. She shut the door! I started crying loudly. The entire 30 minute ride. The lady says she has never heard anything like it.
While I was at the vet's, the lady thought I should have check-up, a rabies shot, a FVRC-P vaccination, a urine test, and a "general health profile" (blood test). Because I was so distraught, they had to cover my carrier and give me some "gas" to knock me out. They then put me in a prison cage. The lady came to visit me that afternoon. As soon as I heard her voice, I started crying and howling. It was so loud and so pitiful that people came back to see what was going on. I had to stay at this place from Thursday until Saturday. I was then taken to our new home. I will tell you more about that in my next post.
Here I am engaged in my usual activities at the new place.

Oh poor you. I have had six moves in my almost 13 years and one on a ship to Holland! I do feel for you. Hope your new home is puurfect! SKipper
You poor poor kitty. I feel so bad for you. I am glad you are in your new place. And I hope things will get back to normal for you.
omg I feel awful for you too......your poor thing.....glad all is ok now!
How awful for you. And in prison too. The shame. Glad you broke out and finally made it to your new home.
Sue B
You poor kittie, lets hope everything gets back to normal, real quick xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
Did my comment go through, wasn't sure if I hit the publish button..Having one of those day sxx00xx
Hi Mr Black welcome back!sorry you had to stay at the vets but at least you're in you new home now .xx Speedy
Awwww , you poor thing :(
I sure hope efurrything is back to normal now in your new place !!
I'm so glad you're back, Mr. Black! It's always awful to have to endure a move, but your ordeal sounds absolutely terrible. At least now you look like you've adjusted. (I hid under the bathroom sink for days when we moved here, I was so mad.)
Can't wait to hear more about your new home.
Poor You, Mr. Black !
I'm glad you feel better and stay cosy in your new place !
Purrs more for you
Have a lovely day
How awful for you, Mr. Black! Moving can be really exhausting and upsetting, but we hope you have come to like your new home.
You poor kitty! We have missed you and are so glad you are back! We hope your new home works out for you.
Oink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig
oh! Hurray! Mr. Black is back!!! I was getting worried. if I had known you was being held prisoner in a jail, a dungeon, prol'ly, cuz you are King and all, I would have raised an army to save you. I'm always doing just that very thing. Let me know, next time you need rescue. xoSparky
Oh my, that sounds so traumatic! Betrayal for sure. I hope your human has does much to rebuild the lost trust.
Awww buddy, sorry you have to move, but at least you will have lots of new smells to check out in the new place. Good luck buddy~
It's good to see you back, we've been wondering how things were going with the move. Looks like you're settling in well now, though! :-)
Glad to hear you made your move OK.
How awful, Mr. Black! I hope this new place was worth undergoing this tortuous incarceration.
The horrors Mr Black! Glad you're safe at your new place!
Oh Mr. Black! We can't believe you had to go through all of that! Aren't you glad it's over now??
You are going to need deep trauma counselling Mr Black. My sympathies and a listening ear ... anytime!!
Poor Mr Black...hope you love your new home and the trauma was worth it!
We bet you feel all shiny and new though after that ordeal Mr.Black!
We hope the move went well and we are happy to hear from you again :)
the critters in the cottage xo
Hallelujah!!! How I have missed my favorite King of California (Central)!
OMG! Be PROUD! You did not surrender--they had to TAKE.YOU.DOWN!!! That gassing dealio is what they had to do to me when The Great Outrage was prepetrated upon me last August. I am glad you held out and gave them a run for (Your Lady's) money!
You do appear to be sulking a little. Well, that's okay. Sheesh! Do they think they can just BETRAY us like that and we'll just "forgive and forget"?? We're CATS. We Hold A Grudge.
You do look a smidge bored. I know you were accustomed to the outdoors, but you will be okay soon. You know, the Human used to take Mr. Teeth out for walks (on a LEASH, like a damn WOOFIE). But still, he enjoyed it.
Welcome back, Buddy! I missed you SOOOO much! Did you know Katie-Isabella's the Queen of Tennessee now???
Oh DEAR! You poor darling! Such cruel treatment. But we do hope you like your new home. You are looking very fine in the photos.
The Chans
Oh Black! Does yous have your tunnel set up? Then us lady cats can speeds through to consoles yous and cuddles and purrs.
I am surprised you even tolerate Her presense at all. You are a much bigger Kitty than I would be. Good for you! Can't wait to read about all the little tender painful ways you will see your revenge!
Ms. Stella O'Houligan
Welcome back. Missed you.
I second Ms. Stella. And revenge is a dish best served . . .often.
Senhor Preto fico contente que você está bem, estamos ansiosos para saber mais sobre sua nova moradia.
A big Welcome Back to you, Mr. Black, good to see you again! In that last picture, I'm sure you are dreaming up new and astounding ways to punish your human - make her pay!
So you're safely moved in your new home. Glad to read that. Hope you like the new place.
Hey, Buddy, how you doing? W/D huh? I can't say I care for the sound of *THAT* but maybe it tastes okay? Your Human has a LOT to answer for. Just sayin'.
Hey ~~
Glad to have you back!!!
I hope you will be fine and happy at the new place~~
Looking forward to your new home photos!!! Sending our best purrs!!
I have missed you King Mr. Black. SO glad to see you and so sad about what you went through. I hope all is better now, and that things are normal for you. xoxoxox
Oh you poor thing! What a trauma you went through! We're glad things are back to normal :)
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