Sunday, December 2, 2012

I Fell Off the Balcony Railing (I'm Okay!)

There is a section of the balcony railing that I like to sit on when it is rainy (usually when there is a break in the rain or maybe just a light rain is falling). It is under the eave of the house, so it is a nice dry spot for me to survey some of the area down below. As I mentioned in a post from last week, I have quite the cozy spot in the garage to stay when it is raining. But, the lady knows I do NOT like to be cooped up, so she leaves the door propped open with some bricks (just wide enough from me to go in and out) so that I can check things out when there is a break in the rain. I'm not sure what happened today. It has been very rainy and very windy and when I jumped up on the railing, I slipped.

I think a strong gust of wind hit me. I tried to dig my claws in, but I fell off.

The lady was inside the house and did not realize right away what had happened. She heard some sounds on the balcony like a thud and scrape, but that is not unusual because I like using that wicker chair as a scratching post and I sometimes get the crazies and hang onto the wooden shutter or window screen, and even kick that big old chair around. But something about it did not sound quite right to the lady so she came out onto the balcony. She said, "Mr. Black, are you okay? Where are you?" I then came running up the stairs and I had mud on my head and other parts of me. She knew right then that I had fallen and she was very distressed and started checking me all over, feeling my legs and tummy and back and talking to me in a very soothing voice. The only thing wrong with me was that I had shredded the sheathing on the claws of my left foot. I was walking okay and everything. I was a little shaken up and wouldn't leave the lady's side. She wiped the mud off of me, but as you can see from the photos, she missed a little.

I'm okay. Just a little mud the lady missed.

She missed some mud on my head and ears.

She made an inspection of the railing where I fell from, and where I landed (luckily, I landed in soft mud and not on some bricks surrounding the cypress tree nearby). It was pretty soft there, and cleared of rocks because the lady had recently dug a trench and buried some pvc pipe in there. That was lucky for me!

I landed just to the right of the Italian Cypress.

This is the mud where I landed.

She made a big fuss over me for quite a while, and gave me some treats and some of my favorite kibble. That was enough excitement for one day. I'm taking a nap on my big pile of comforters.


Fuzzy Tales said...

OMC, we can imagine your human would have had fits! We're so glad you're okay, though you might feel a twinge or two for a couple of days. We're sure your lady will keep a close eye on you--what an extreme way to get extra treats and kibble!

Katnip Lounge said...

Holy CRAP. Mr. Black, we can see the kitty-sized impression you left in the mud, you poor thing! We bet you might be a bit stiff tomorrow--your Mom better invest in a heaty pad for you.

Quill and Greyson said...

Holy Cod Mr Black!! Thank Cod you're okay!!

Gigi said...

A little undignified for a King, don't you think? Really, I think you might need a nice set of of stairs so you could climb up there like a perfect GentlemanCat and test out the slipperiness factor of that railing without having to, you know, LEAP and risk the disaster that befell you today.

You poor sweet boy! We's glad to hear you is not seriously injured!! XOXOXO

The Cat Guy said...

Yikes! Scary scary! Have your human invest in a safety net, like they use at the circus. It will catch you if the wind comes back and knocks you around. Glad you're ok!

cats of wildcat woods said...

So happy you are OK! Our Mom worries about us if we climb up on things. Thanks you for your kind comments this week - Mom has her hands full caring for Joey and has not been visiting blogs much.

Ivan from WMD said...

I am awfully glad you're OK, Mr. Black. That must have been pretty scary for you too!

Katie Isabella said...

Mr. Black, that scared me reading it. PLEASE PLEASE don't go up there any more. Thank goodness you are alright. XXXOOO

Smalltowngiggles said...

So glad you are okay, Mr Black. How many lives do you have left out of your 9? Be careful and stay safe.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Glad you are ok!!!!
Just careful with your joints ok!!!! Big hugs!!

Kerri Farley said...

Oh Mr Black - you must be more careful!! So glad the "nice lady" took such good care of you ..... :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my goodness, I am so glad you are okay, that would have scared the poop outta me! Rest easy my friend!

GTnCo said...

Holy cod! That balcony is so far up, we're so glad you're ok!

Just Ducky said...

Mr B! That was quite a fall. We is glad you is OK, rest up so you feel all better.

The Island Cats said...

Whoa, Mr. Black! You gotta be careful, dood!! We are so glad you are okay...but milk it for some more treats, okay??

Sparkle said...

Oh no! I am glad your fall didn't hurt you... and that you got some treats as part of your mishap!

Unknown said...

Mr Black! Me is so happy yous is fine! Falls can be scary!
Kozmo had a fall today. It was raining and he was climbing the tree over the river and he slipped. Yep
Right into the rive. He came into the house and he was soaked. Mommy gots out a big warm towel and he did not go back out again today. (Silly Goose)

Angel Prancer Pie said...

OMC! That is very high up and we are most happy you are not hurt, Mr. Black. Mebbe the Mommy could keep that spot on the ground nice and soft, just in case....

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're glad you're OK, Mr. Black. Rain makes for slippy surfaces so do be careful!

The Chans

Findus, Isak och Rasmus said...

We are so glad you are not hurt! That railing is awfully high up. We are sure it took some skill to land in the mud and not on the bricks. You are worth every single treat you get!

Ann Boyajian said...

O Cod, scary for everyone! We're glad you're okay, but you must be shaken up. We hope you had a good long snooze on the heaty pad.

Colehaus Cats said...

Oh, sweetie! We'll be purring hard that you are truly okay. Extra purrs...

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Thank COD you are ok!!!!!!! Sending you ((((hugs)))))))

Pretinha said...

Mr. Black'm relieved that you were not hurt. Take care of yourself,
and enjoy the pampering.

Catherine said...

Poor kitty! I'm glad you are OK! A kitty must be careful out there. Stay safe! :D
xo Catherine

bethany925 said...

King Mr. Black! No! you did NOT fall! Oviously, you were practicing a very complicated parkour move, you know, a jack knife off teh railing wif a few somersaults and then an effortless two-point landing. That kind of move takes practice, right? c'mon yer highness, Kitteh's don't fall. Get yer story straight.