People frequently ask me about my luxurious fur coat. "Mr. Black," they say, "tell us about your luxurious fur coat." Well, I'm sure my balanced diet is part of it. The lady also brushes me a couple times a week, which I like very much.
The real secret to my sleek, shiny, velvety fur is my daily dirt bath. I have a spot near the driveway that is an unpaved area, ostensibly for "visitor" parking (SNORT!). I've fashioned a little indentation there where I roll around and cover myself with dust. Now, this might seem counter-intuitive: rolling in dirt in order to have a lovely, clean coat. But, it helps absorb any excess oil, and I think it helps smother any little critter that may have decided to hitch a ride.
Those white spots are where my nips are (I have six, I think). I'm not sure why I have nips. |
Geez. No privacy whatsoever. |
I especially like to roll in the dirt right after the lady has brushed me. It seems to annoy her a bit. That's why I do it.
WOW! I gotta find me some dirt!
Mr. Black, thank you for posting this. I, too, love a good dirtbath and I tell the mom that it is good for my furs. But she refuses to let me do even a weekly rolling. She says all it does is make me dirty. As if!! But now that you also confirm that a dirtbath is good for the furs, she will have to let me out there to roll. Thank you again!
My Mr. Oliver loves to roll in the dirt!! He stays fresh and clean, which is amazing for an outside cat. And Mr. Oliver also likes showing off his nipples too!
Yeah!! Like Brian said,we need to find dirt! The closest we can get to would be the floor before Mom sweeps it!(that's not every day,heh,heh,heh)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie
I wish I could take a dirt bath. I think I used to when I was stuck outside as a tiny tossed-away boy.
Oh, and about the Innova I was raving about? It is not for the faint of wallet (my mom checked out the real price on it and I guess nearly fainted--$42 for 12 lbs at Petsmart) so I think that's out. :-(
We never get let outside to find any dirt.
Mr Black, This is EXACTLY how I maintain my luxurious fur coat! And also how I gained the moniker "Filthy Dirty Whitey".
Yrs, The Baby
Well, so long as it helps with the oil - I wonder if this is something that can help humans with oily hair??
Makes sense to me! It is kind of like that dry shampoo stuff my human uses when she does not have time to wash her hair in the shower.
Mr. B., we like those simple grooming tips. We can see that they work!
The ladeez here luv a filthy boy! MOL!
My servant has been a bit neglectful with the brushies lately. I wish I *had* dirt to bathe in--do you know The Baby at the Katnip Lounge? She just loooooves to be all Filthy Dirty....
Say, why *do* the ManCats got the nips?
Nice work!!!!
My bean always ask me " how come everyone says cat likes clean, but they like doing dirtbath?" Well, they just can't get it!!! You are doing mighty job!!
Hey, knowing what annoys the lady is like finding GOLD! Knowledge is power my friend.
; ) Katie
Nice coat by the way.
OMC, MOL too cute! Do you get brushed again after your dirt bath?
I think boy cats have nips so you know where the tum tum is! It's a runway signal line to show where to pet!
Rumblemum spends all this money trying to get her hair to look sleek and shiny, when the secret is DIRT!
I'm gonna make her use dirt and spend the money she saves on treats and toys for me.
You talking dirt and nips, Mr B. This is a bit pre watershed! mol
well, you know, it's odd, cuz i was just finking, "gee. i wonder how Mr. Black keeps his coat so shiny. also, i wonder how many nips he has...?"
now i don has to go to wikipedia to finds out! fanks!!!
he he - you silly goose Mr. Black. I'll bet your ooman does get a little irritated after she worked so hard to brush you. i must say tho, your coat is gorgeous!
they say that mud baths are good for the face so why wouldn't a dirt bath be good for the coat?
Wonderful beauty treatment, we will try, but I think our human will get angry too
Mes LOVES dirtbaths too! my glorious white furs gets all grey or black! My nipples is white too (and so are Kozmo's) but my fur is white so yous cant tell!
What a handsome dude you are!
A dirt bath does wonder for your coat!
What a lovely coat - that dirt bath sure works! I, Skootch am not allowed outside (plus it's now officially winter here and we had our first snow today). BTW, our vet Dr. Jeff says all male cats have nips.
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